Thursday, February 25, 2010

Come on San Antonio...Let's Rodeo!

What could be more authentically Texas than a Rodeo?! Ricky and I were very excited when the rodeo rolled into town earlier this month bringing cattle and cowboys for our enjoyment. We were even more excited when Ricky won two tickets via a Kens 5 (local news channel) Twitter promotion! Every year the rodeo tours, much like the circus, visiting the major cities in Texas. To kick off the big event, all the cowboys participating in the rodeo ride their horses from Austin to San Antonio. They are then greeted at the Cowboy Dance Hall at 7AM on the Friday before the rodeo begins. The Cowboy Dance Hall hosts the "Cowboy Breakfast" where everyone in San Antonio is invited to have breakfast with the cowboys...FOR FREE! Unfortunately I had to work the morning of the big breakfast but next year I will be taking the morning off to get my free breakfast tacos! Mmm...

The rodeo takes place at the At&T Center, also where the Spurs play their home games. Over 10 tons of dirt are brought into the center and spread out over the floor to make it rodeo appropriate. In an effort to be "green", the dirt is cleaned and recycled for use every year. I'm not sure where they store tons of dirt or how they remove all the animal droppings from it but whatever, at least they try.

Rodeos consist of a series of events that occur daily. At the end of the 3 weeks, winners are chosen from each category based on their performances. The only group to get awarded daily trophies are the little tykes that participate in mutton bustin': 4-6 year old boys and girls who hang on to a sheep's back trying desperately not to fall off. It was, by far, the best event. Other events include: barrel racing, bull riding, calf roping, goat tying, saddle bronc and bareback riding, steer wrestling and whip cracking.

There is also your traditional carnival that takes place on the grounds outside. Rides, funnel cakes, petting zoos and games are in abundance. Ricky and I stuck to the actual rodeo as it was 2hours long and I've had my fair share of carnivals. There was also a musical performer after the rodeo but we decided to leave before that too. In all, the rodeo was a fun experience that I wouldn't mind doing again.
The little girl who won MVP for mutton bustin' on display on the big screen.

The kind of creepy rodeo clown...I liked to call him Fisbo.

Cattle waiting to be released...only to be tied and put back in their cages.

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